My Blog List

Eat.Pray.Love( @ Borough Market)

This is not an add for the movie but this book is my bible. I feel everything she feels and I wanna do everything she does, I wanna meet the guru and talk to the medicine man, live in Italy and learn italian whilst eating pasta in the world famous pasta place in Napoli. I wanna find love in all different ways and learn about life in this world for everyone. One of my good friends recommended this book to me and I can't stop turning pages...

Can't wait to learn the art of dolce far niente...
and I might want to do it with these heeps and heeps of merengue from borough market :)

I want to love life and live it to the fullest.

my statement is a reindeer :)

I love my little reindeer, my friend bought a Jeff Koons replica necklace, AMAZING !

Fashionable Chocolates in Notting Hill

I suddenly don't feel that guilty eating chocolates that are wrapped so fashionably. I hope all designers stay away from chocolate branding or I'm going to become the permanent elephant in the room... stop making them look cute and healthy, they're NOT !